The sworn translation of agency agreements is necessary for the stipulation of agreements with foreign companies, guaranteeing their legal validity also in the foreign country.
The agency agreement is an agreement through which a person assumes the ongoing task of promoting the conclusion of contracts in a specific geographical area on behalf of another party.
The document is subjected to sworn translation, followed by the subsequent asseveration by the translator at the court, thus conferring legal value on the translated document.
Sworn translations of corporate, technical, and legal documents: essential for business expansion, company opening, product, trademark and patent registration, lawsuit handling and much more.
In which situations is a sworn translation of agency agreements necessary?
- Signing agreements with foreign companies: when you want to enter into an agency agreement with a foreign company. In this case, a translation of the agreement may be required to ensure legal validity in the respective jurisdictions.
- International expansion of the business: in case your company intends to carry out agency activities in a foreign country.
- Resolution of legal disputes: in the event of disputes or legal disputes concerning an agency agreement, the sworn translation of the agreement may be required to facilitate the understanding and interpretation of the content by the competent authorities.
When it comes to legalizing or obtaining an apostille for a document that needs to be translated, it is important to affix the legalization or apostille before the original document is translated into Italian at the court.
The same principle applies to foreign documents to be asserted in Italy.
It is essential to affix the legalization or apostille to the original document and then proceed with the sworn translation, which can also be carried out in Italy.
It is important to consult legal experts or translation professionals to assess the specific need for a sworn translation of agency contracts based on individual circumstances.
If you need to obtain a sworn translation of agency contracts, InfoVisti is here to assist you. We provide professional sworn translation services with expertise and precision. Our specialized translators will ensure the accuracy and legal compliance of your documents.
Contact us and request a free quote.
If you are planning to relocate or travel abroad, you may be interested in the Viaggiare Sicuri website.
Our agency also offers other services that may be required.
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