Residence permit for self-employment

Permesso soggiorno lavoro autonomo

It is aimed at foreign nationals who carry out a work activity without any bond of dependence with an employer


Entry for self-employment is subject to the issuance of a clearance that must be requested at the Police Headquarters by the interested party or his delegate within the quotas provided for each year by the flow decree.


First of all, the worker will have to apply for the issuance of a provisional Nulla Osta for entry to the competent Police Headquarters Once the Nulla Osta has been obtained, the worker will have to apply for an Entry Visa by presenting:

✓ Certification from the Chamber of Commerce or the competent body

✓ Suitable accommodation

✓ Sufficient income

Once the entry visa has been obtained, the foreign self-employed worker must present himself at the competent Police Headquarters within 8 days of entering Italy to request the issuance of a residence permit for self-employment.

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Contact us now using the form below and we will be happy to help you with all the necessary details about the necessary documents, procedure, costs and times.

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