Investor Residence Permit

Permesso soggiorno distacco intrasocietario

Aimed at non-EU citizens who choose to invest in strategic assets for the Italian economy and society

What can I do with this residence permit?

This solution allows you to stay in Italy for a minimum of 2 years up to 5 years, and to travel through Schengen countries up to a duration of 90 days, every 180 days.


✓ Can be requested by natural person over the age of eighteen.

✓ Or by a foreign legal entity, identified as its legal representative.

What types of investments are accepted?

✓ Securities issued by the Italian government: at least € 2,000,000.00 investment (held for at least 2 years)

✓ Securities or shares of an existing corporation operating in Italy (e.g. S.p.A., S.r.l., S.p.a.p. or S.r.l.s.): at least € 500,000.00 of investment (held for at least 2 years). The sum is reduced to €250,000.00 if you invest in an existing innovative Italian startup company.

✓ Philanthropic donation to an Italian non-profit organization, in support of a project of public interest in one of the following sectors: culture, research, management of migration flows, restoration of natural or artistic resources: at least €1,000,000.00.

Contact us

Do you need assistance with immigration paperwork?

Contact us now using the form below and we will be happy to help you with all the necessary details about the necessary documents, procedure, costs and times.

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