
permesso soggiorno ricerca

Residence permit for research. This procedure concerns foreigners who, according to the rules of international agreements in force for Italy, must carry out research activities in Italy.

Entry and residence permits for scientific research for periods exceeding three months are allowed to foreign citizens in possession of a higher education qualification that gives access to doctoral programs in the country where it was obtained. Foreign researchers can enter and stay on the national territory outside the quotas established annually by the Flows Decree. The foreign researcher who intends to carry out a scientific research project must be selected by a research institute registered in the appropriate list kept by the Ministry of University and Research. The research project must be approved by the administrative bodies of the research institute that evaluate the object of the research, the qualifications held by the foreigner and the availability of financial resources for its implementation.

Requirements for Research Residence Permit

The research institute hosting the foreign researcher is required to:

✓ stipulate a hosting agreement and a research project with the researcher, specifying the working conditions and his/her remuneration, which must be at least double the monthly amount of the social allowance;

✓ take care of the expenses for the trip;

✓ take out a health insurance policy or arrange for the researcher to be registered with the National Health Service.

permesso soggiorno ricerca

Contact us

Do you need assistance with your residence permit for research?

Contact us now using the form below and we will be happy to help you with all the necessary details about the necessary documents, procedure, costs and times.

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