Long-term residence permit

permesso soggiorno lungo periodo

The long-term residence permit can be issued to foreign citizens who have been residing in the national territory for at least 5 years in a stable and continuous manner.

Application Requirements

✓ Have completed at least five years of regular and continuous residence in Italy;
N.B. Absence from the national territory for more than six consecutive months, or for a total of ten months in the five years in question, prevents the accrual of the minimum period of stay, except in special cases.

✓ Have a minimum income of not less than the annual social allowance;
N.B. If the release is also requested for dependent family members, the amount considered will be increased by half of the amount of the social allowance for each dependent family member.

✓ In this case, the applicant must demonstrate the availability of accommodation that complies with the hygienic-sanitary and housing suitability requirements, ascertained by the competent municipal offices;

✓ Be a resident of a municipality at the time of submission of the application;

✓ Current work activity;

✓ Demonstrate that you have a knowledge of the Italian language at least A2 level.
N.B. Not necessary if under fourteen years of age, in possession of an Italian school diploma or if exempted from the ASL commission).

The conclusion of the procedure will provide for the issuance of the long-term residence permit which does not expire, but will be valid for 10 years (5 years for minors), after which it will be necessary to update the data of the document.

Useful link: safe travel

Contact us

Do you need assistance with your long-term residence permit or other immigration paperwork?

Contact us now using the form below and we will be happy to help you with all the necessary details about the necessary documents, procedure, costs and times.

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