Residence permit for intra-company secondment

Permesso soggiorno distacco intrasocietario

The residence permit for intra-company posting is aimed at foreign workers employed by a company established abroad, who are temporarily seconded to a host entity established in Italy, belonging to the same company or to a company belonging to the same group of companies.

Who is the residence permit for intra-company posting for?

  • Managers: workers who carry out tasks characterized by high professionalism, decision-making autonomy and responsibility towards the entire company activity or an autonomous branch of the company.

  • Specialised staff: workers who possess specialist knowledge essential for the host entity’s field of activity, techniques or management.

  • Their skills should not be assessed on the basis of educational qualifications, which are not required, but on the basis of their possible high qualification, adequate professional experience or membership of a professional register; For regulated professions, recognition of professional qualifications is required.

  • Trainees: in possession of a university degree, transferred (and paid during the transfer) to a host company for career development or the acquisition of business techniques or methods.

N.B. the posted worker must have had an existing employment relationship with the posting worker for no less than 3 uninterrupted months. The transfer, including any extensions, cannot exceed 3 years and at the end of the transfer it is not possible to hire directly. No less than three months can elapse between transfers.

Contact us

Do you need assistance with the residence permit for intra-company posting?

Contact us now using the form below and we will be happy to help you with all the necessary details about the necessary documents, procedure, costs and times.

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