Infovisti assists you at all stages of the procedure to apply for the EU Blue Card.
The employer must submit the application for Nulla Osta al lavoro electronically at the Single Desk for Immigration of the competent Prefecture through the system set up by the Ministry of the Interior and fill in the relevant BC form.
In the application for release, the employer must indicate the following elements:
✓ Information on accommodation arrangements;
✓ The employment contract proposal;
✓ Details about the job offer, which must be valid for at least one year;
✓ The amount of the salary, which cannot be less than three times the minimum level provided for the exemption from participation in health expenditure;
✓ Documentation proving the necessary professional qualification.
The competent Prefecture, after evaluating the application, issues a Nulla Osta that will allow the applicant to submit the visa application to the Italian diplomatic or consular representation of their country.
Subsequently, within 8 days of entering the national territory, the foreigner must go together with the employer to the One-Stop Shop that issued the Nulla Osta, sign the Residence Contract and collect the 209 form which will be sent through the post offices to the competent Police Headquarters to apply for the residence permit which will have the wording “EU Blue Card”.