Conversion of residence permit

conversione permesso soggiorno

It is possible for non-EU citizens who regularly have a valid residence permit to convert their residence permit into another type of permit; It is important that the permit held is valid and, in specific cases, there are the entry quotas provided for by the Flows Decree.

Types of conversion of residence permits

Conversion of the residence permit for study purposes to employment or self-employment.

It will be possible to convert the study permit into a work permit outside the flow quotas if you have completed one of the following courses of study in Italy:

✓ Bachelor’s degree (180 university credits or CFU)

✓ Two-year Master’s degree (120 credits);

✓ Master’s degree (300 credits);

✓ Specialization diploma (minimum duration 2 years);

✓ Ph.D. (minimum duration 3 years);

✓ First level University Master’s Degree, three-year postgraduate degree (minimum duration 1 year);

✓ Master’s degree, postgraduate or master’s degree (minimum duration 1 year);

✓ Certificate or diploma of specialization, postgraduate or master’s degree (duration 1 year)

➤ Conversion of the residence permit for seasonal work to subordinate work.

➤ Conversion of other types of residence permit into residence permits for family reasons. *

*Family Cohesion

Contact us

Do you need assistance with the conversion of your residence permit?

Contact us now using the form below and we will be happy to help you with all the necessary details about the necessary documents, procedure, costs and times.

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