Registration with the National Health Service

Permesso soggiorno distacco intrasocietario

Assistance to citizens of non-EU countries in Italy

If you are a foreign citizen legally present in Italy, you can access the National Health Service (SSN) in different ways depending on the reason for your stay. If you are temporarily present, for a period not exceeding 90 days (e.g. tourist), you can take advantage of urgent and elective health services upon payment of the relevant regional rates. There is no registration with the NHS except for students and au pairs. If you have a regular residence permit, you can register with the SSN by contacting the ASL of your municipality of registered residence, or, if you are not yet resident, the municipality of actual domicile indicated in the residence permit.

Registration with the SSN allows you to choose the general practitioner registered in the ASL registers
Health care is extended to your dependents who regularly stay in Italy.

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    How to register with the NHS

    All non-EU foreign citizens are entitled to compulsory registration with the National Health Service (SSN):

    ✓ who are legally resident in Italy and have regular subordinate or self-employed activities in progress or are registered in the employment lists

    ✓ who are legally resident and have applied for the renewal of their residence permit for:

    – subordinate or self-employed work, family reasons, asylum, subsidiary protection, special cases, special protection, medical treatment (Article 19, paragraph 2, letter d-bis of T.U.286/98), for asylum request, for awaiting adoption, for foster care, for acquisition of citizenship

    – waiting for the first issue of the residence permit for subordinate work or family reasons

    – unaccompanied foreign minors, even pending the issuance of the residence permit, following the legal reports after their discovery in the national territory and in any case all minors regardless of the state of regularity of the stay, with the consequent right to the general pediatrician from 0 to 14 years of age and to the general practitioner from 14 to 18 years of age.

    To benefit from the services provided by the NHS, you must register and the health card is the document that proves registration. This document is individual and is used to access assistance.

    Where to go to register with the NHS

    Registration with the SSN must be carried out at the choice and revocation offices of the ASL where you have your residence or habitual residence indicated on the residence permit.

    Duration of SSN membership

    The health card has the same duration as the residence permit. While waiting for the issuance of the permit for family reasons or the first permit for subordinate work, the registration is temporary and will be converted with the same duration as the permit at the time of submission of the permit.

    How to access healthcare

    When registering, choose your family doctor or paediatrician, whose name is on your health card, whom you can contact free of charge.
    When you are in possession of the request for the health service, issued by your doctor, you will be able to make the relevant booking according to the procedures defined by the Region in which you are registered. Each specialist visit involves the payment of a contribution to the health expense (ticket) as is the case for Italian citizens. There are ways of exemption from the payment of tickets for recognized specific conditions of income, age, disability or pathologies. The Ticket Exemption Card is issued at the counters of your ASL.

    What to do to register with the National Health Service

    To register with the National Health Service, you must go to the ASL counters with the following documents:

    ✓ Valid residence permit or request for renewal of the permit attested by the receipt issued by the Post Office or Police Headquarters

    ✓self-certification of residence or, in the absence of the latter, a declaration of actual residence, as it appears, on the residence permit

    ✓tax code or self-certification

    ✓receipt certifying the submission of the application for the issuance of the first residence permit, for subordinate work issued by the Post Office

    While waiting for the issuance of the permit for family reasons for the purposes of mandatory registration with the National Health Service, you must show the following documents:

    ✓Entry visa

    ✓receipt, issued by the authorized Post Office, certifying the submission of the application for a residence permit

    ✓photocopy, not authenticated, of the authorization issued by the One-Stop Shop.

    For minors in foster care or awaiting adoption , a permit is not required for the purposes of regular stay. From the moment of entry into Italy, foreign minors enjoy all the rights attributed to an Italian minor in foster care. Therefore, in such cases, the minor, adopted or fostered, must be compulsorily registered with the SSN under the same conditions and procedures provided for the first registration of the Italian minor.

    What does the health insurance card entitle you to?

    The personal health card entitles you to receive the following benefits:

    ✓ Have a family doctor or pediatrician

    ✓ Free hospital admission to public and conventional hospitals

    ✓ Pharmaceutical assistance

    ✓ General medical examinations in the clinic

    ✓ Specialist medical examinations

    ✓ Home medical visits

    ✓ Vaccinations

    ✓ Blood tests

    ✓ X-rays

    ✓ Ultrasound scans

    ✓ Medicines

    ✓ Rehabilitation and prosthetics assistance

    ✓ other benefits provided for in the essential levels of care