distacco intrasocietario

Intra-company secondment art. 27 – quinquies of the Immigration Act

InfoVisas for applying for and obtaining a visa for Intra-Company Posting.

What is meant by intra-company transfer?

The intra-company transfer is “the temporary posting of a foreign national […] from an undertaking established in a third country, to which the foreign national is linked by an employment relationship lasting at least three months, to a host entity established in Italy, belonging to the same undertaking or to an undertaking belonging to the same group of undertakings within the meaning of Article 2359 of the Civil Code.

Intra-corporate transfer includes cases of mobility of foreign workers between host entities established in different Member States”
(Article 27-quinquies, paragraph of the Immigration Act).

The Italian immigration law establishes the cases of intra-company transfer, i.e. the temporary posting to Italy of foreign workers employed by a company established in another country for periods of more than three months, to a branch or representation of the same company or group of companies to which the posting company belongs.