Family reunification

Ricongiungimento familiare

Family reunification is the legal institution that allows the citizen of a foreign country, legally resident, to obtain the entry and consequent authorization to stay of his family members residing abroad.

Who is family reunification for?

✓ adult spouse who is not legally separated; A spouse is treated in the same way as a same-sex partner in a civil partnership as provided for by the regulations on civil unions.

✓ minor children, including those of the spouse, or born out of wedlock, unmarried provided that the other parent, if any, has given consent. Children who are adopted, fostered, or placed under guardianship are treated in the same way as children

✓ dependent adult children, who are unable to provide for their own living needs due to a state of health that entails total disability

✓ dependent parents, if they have no other children in the country of origin, or parents over sixty-five years of age, if the other children cannot provide for their maintenance for serious documented health reasons

Requirements for family reunification

✓ Applicant’s residence permit

✓ Applicant’s family certificate

✓ Documentation proving kinship

✓ Income

✓ Suitable accommodation

✓ Health insurance (for parents over sixty-five)

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